World Journal of Pharmaceutical
and Medical Research

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An International Peer Reviewed Journal for Pharmaceutical and Medical Research and Technology
An Official Publication of Society for Advance Healthcare Research (Reg. No. : 01/01/01/31674/16)
ISSN 2455-3301

ICV : 78.6

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Nayef Faleh Al-Harbi*, Abdullah Hussein Al Khushi, Mishari Sharaf Al-Harithi, Omar Talaat Al-Muqadhali and Miteb Saud Al-Maqati


Objective: This study means to extensively evaluate and gauge patient wellbeing society in a particular medical care setting in Saudi Arabia utilizing the Review on Quiet Security Culture (SOPSC) as the strategic structure. The goal is to investigate the mentalities, discernments, and ways of behaving of medical care staff and suppliers, with an emphasis on correspondence, cooperation, blunder detailing, and hierarchical initiative. Methods: A systematic survey will be conducted within the chosen healthcare organization, covering various departments and roles. SOPSC will be used to collect data on patient safety culture. The obtained results will undergo meticulous analysis to identify areas of strength and weaknesses, facilitating the formulation of targeted interventions for improvement. Results: SOPSC data analysis provides insights into existing patient safety culture in the healthcare organization. The study revealed an average safety culture score of 3.36, indicating areas for development. Supervision impact was limited; effective communication and hospital-level data were key factors. Participants exhibited high trust in patient safety and confidence in the institution's ability to enhance safety procedures and overall healthcare safety. Findings contribute to understanding patient safety culture in Saudi Arabian healthcare, enriching existing literature. Discussion and Conclusion: The discussion will explore the implications of the findings, addressing key aspects of patient safety culture. Conclusions will be drawn based on the data, and potential interventions and strategies for enhancing patient safety culture within the studied healthcare organization will be discussed. In conclusion, addressing specific areas for improvement within leadership and emphasizing effective communication and tailored safety practices are key steps in enhancing patient safety culture within healthcare organizations. These findings have the potential to drive positive changes, fostering a culture of safety that benefits both patients and medical staff, with leadership, communication, and shared commitment at its core.

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