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*Dr. Dharam Chand and Dr. Deena Nath Singh


Acharaya Shusrut mentioned Swasa roga is mainly caused by the Vata and Kapha doshas. Swasa is broadly classified into five types i.e. Maha swasa, Urdhawa swasa, Chinna swasa, Kshudra swasa, Tamaka swasa. In modern Tamak swasa is co-related to Bronchial Asthma in which the lungs are filled with a fluid called shleshmaka kapha which is responsible for proper respiration, causes obstruction of air way or respiratory tract especially the trachea. Older people are generally as being 65 years old or greater, In this age-group Bronchial asthma is a common disease affecting greater than 10% of the population. The geriatric patient undergoes age-related structural and physiological changes of the lung that strongly influence the features of airway obstruction, which appears more severe and less reversible in response to treatment. The aim to assess the prevalence and characteristics of asthma in seniors by the Dietics: patha –apathya and yogasana. Acharya Charaka mentions the word pathya also as synonym of chikitsa (Ch. Chi 1/3). The pathya ahar when taken in right time and quantity etc can help to recover from disease condition either alone or with other medicine. The Pathya and Apathya are effective tools in Ayurveda for diagnosis as well as management of diseases. Pathya ahar in Tamak shwasa is Madhu, Godhuma , puran Sali, Mudga , Kulattha , Yava, Patola, Haridra, Adaraka, Lahasuna, Pipalli, Ushana Jal, Aja Dugdha etc. Apathya aggravates the disease, Eg. Guru ahara, Ushna ahara, Masha , Tail bharjeet ahara, Sarshapa patra, Matasya, Sheet anavarana & Adra vayumandala, Mristhana, Sheet jal, Sangrahita bhojana, Dadhi, Suppression of natural urges, Excessive physical exertion, Exposure to Smoke, Dust and fumes, Pollutants and Pollens. For the management of swasa roga is Nadi Shodhan Pranayama play an important role to calm your mind, opens the chest and improves the supply of oxygen to the lungs, It also improves digestion and It is very useful for bronchial asthma patients. Yogasana reducing the probability of asthma restricting you relieving the body of accumulated stress, energizes the nervous system clears all the Nadis and improves blood circulation, relieves fatigue, strengthens wrists, arms, back, and spine. It brings the body in a meditative state, rejuvenates you, and also helps reduce anxiety and pressure. A calm and relaxed body and mindset are of essence to tackle asthma. Tamak swasa is difficult to manage but if proper diagnosis is made within the time, can be give significant relief and different herbs, along with pathya sevana and yogasana show highly good impact on health of patients.

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