World Journal of Pharmaceutical
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Dr. Pallavi Gupta*, Dr. Sunita Kumari and Dr. Arvind Kumar


Ayurved is the science of healthy life. Ayurved learners face number of controversial concepts in sharir like Srotas, Snayu, Sira, Kala etc. which need to be resolved among there, Sira is one of the important but controversial concept. Acharya Sushruta has described the sira in sharir sthana chapter seven. Acharya Charak has defined the Sira as "Sarnat Sira" in sutra sthan chapter thirty. Sushruta has mentioned four types of sira -Aruna, Neela, Shweta, Lohita. These are relevant respectively with the Dosha Vata, Pitta, Kapha and Rakta. Vedhan of Sira i.e Siravedhan is one of the modalities in practice in the management of various disease. Sushruta has mentioned specific sites for siravedhan and sites for Avedhya sira vedhan of Avedhya sira leads to either grievous deformity or death. The word meaning of Avedhya is unpierceable, not to be pierced and meaning of sira is any tubular vessel of the body. Avedhya sira should not damage during siravedhan procedure because their damage can cause severe complication or even death. Sushruta has described total 700 sira and 98 siras as Avedhya sira are divided in 3 regions i.e Shakhagat 16, Koshthagata -32, Urdhwajatrugat- 50. Avedhya sira in Shakha are Jaaldhara, Urvi dna Lohitaksha. Modern correlation of these sira in upper limb, are Jaaldhara as cephalic vein, Urvi as Brachial vessel and lohitaksha is related with Axillary vein & artery and in lower limb jaaldhara as great saphenous vein, Urvi and Lohitaksha as femoral artery and femoral vein.

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