World Journal of Pharmaceutical
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*Dr. Sheetal Hanumant Kumbhar, Dr. Umesh Holennavar M.D(PK), Dr. Rajendra Patil M.D (PK)


JARA CHIKITSA the branch of medicine dealing exclusively with the problems of ageing and disease of elderly. Ageing is a multidimensional process of Physical, Physiological and Psycological degenerative changes. JARA one among the SWABHAVIKA VYADHI. JARA CHIKITSA is one among the ASHTANG AYURVEDA. JARA AVASTHA is period for vitiation of VATA DOSHA and DHATUKSHAY which leads to JARA JANYA VYADHI. SHARIRA it degenerate from birth itself. Its a natural process. RASAYAN and other Ayurvedic approach for JARA management will check and prevent the process of early degeneration by maintaining strength of DHATU and help in bringing a happy and healthy ageing. Panchakarma presents with specially designed five procedures. Certain procedures of classical PANCHAKARMA are contraindicated in oldage, many procedures can be modified to be administer in elderly person. The procedures like BASTI, ABHYANGA, SHIRODHARA, SHIROPICHU, KAYASEKA etc can be advised to counter the degenerative processs thereby improving quality of life. BASTI it is supreme line of treatment particularly in aged person. RASAYANA therapy helps in SAPTA DHATUVARDHANA, it brings VAYASTHAPANA and prevents early ageing. It helps in BUDDHIVARDANA, BALA VARDHANA, ROGANASHANA and helps in increasing VYADHIKSHAMATVA. It rejuvenates the body both on physical and mental levels. AAHARA VIHAAR along with RASAYAN and PANCHAKRAMA is important factor. Since it also brings vitality, strength helps in increasing enthusiasm, AGNI, AYU, BALA, OJAS. A healthy and successful ageing is what everyone desires, which can be brought on the basis of Ayurvedic lifestyle management(VIHAAR), Balanced geriatric diet (AAHAR), RASAYAN (rejuvenaton therapy), PANCHAKARMA along with planned disease pacifying treatment.

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