World Journal of Pharmaceutical
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Dr. Sachin Sharma*, Dr. Sakshi and Dr. Subhash Upadhyay


Charaka and Sushruta believed that diseases were caused by a disturbance in the equilibrium of the three Ayurvedic humors, and that this disturbance was often a direct cause of the disease. They also recognized several remote causes, both external and internal, for example, entry of toxic materials from outside to inside through vessels, errors of living, natural decay from old age, and climate or weather that could play a role in the manifestation of disease. Ama is also an entity which causes vitiation in dosha, dhatu and mala. Ama is a pathological entity and causes abnormality in srotas, dhatu etc resulting into development of various diseases. Ama generates acute diseases and chronic conditions as well. Amavata is one of such chronic state of ama. Derangement of kapha dosha especially shleshaka kapha in amavata produces joint pain and swelling with tenderness which can be correlated with rheumatoid arthritis. Ama is the toxin that builds up in the body usually as a result of improper digestion. These toxins circulate through dhamanis in the body and typically deposit in weaker areas such as the joints. This leads to the arthritic symptoms of pain and inflammation.

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