World Journal of Pharmaceutical
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Dr. Sanjay Kumar Agri*, Dr. Pankaj Kumar Sharma and Dr. Ajay Kumar Gupta


Arsha is one of the lifestyle disease which is Increasing at an alarming rate in our society due to sedentary life style, mental stress, over intake of fast food, lack of rest and physical exercise and careless attitude towards responding to natural urges such as suppression of defecation. In Ayurveda Acharya Sushruta (the pioneer of ancient Surgery) mentions this disease under the heading of Ashta Mahagadas. Arsha (Haemorrhoids) is an extremely common problem reported since thousands of years with a prevalence rate that is highest among all the ano-rectal disorders. The term Haemorrhoids is popularly used to refer for pathological varicosity of the haemorrhoidal veins due to increased pressure, and usually results by straining during defecation, chronic constipation or diarrhoea, pregnancy, etc. Arsha is treated by different modalities in modern science, but till today no single modality has proved to be complete cure for the disease. A clinical trial was conducted in this study in 2 groups of 15-15 patients each diagnosed with Arsha (Haemorrhoids). Patients were selected randomly irrespective of their religion, race, occupation etc. They were administered Suran Pindi & Haridradi Lepa, a herbal formulation. In group A, patients were administrated only Suran Pindi at a dose of 1gm Bid a day for two months and in group B, patients were administrated Suran Pindi oral administration and Haridradi lepa local application Bid a day for two months. Patients were monitored at every 15 days interval during the study period. Constipation, bleeding, pain or discomfort, itching, size of pile mass and prolapse of pile mass were observed over the treatment. Analysis of result showed improvement in Arsha (Haemorrhoid). Finally study concluded that Suran Pindi & Haridradi Lepa is effective for curing the patients of Arsha (Haemorrhoids).

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