World Journal of Pharmaceutical
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Jameel Abbas*, Ansari Yaasir Ahmed, Dr. Malik Tauheed Ahmad, Dr. Sayed Isar Ahmad, Sayyed Mukhim, Mohd. Azharuddin


Glucosamine is naturally hygroscopic is nature when exposed to air and moisture and degradable whether in the form of tablet or raw material. To overcome this problem Glucosamine needs to bond with suitable stabilizer. Glucosamine Sulphate in the form of Salt i.e. Sodium chloride and potassium chloride are stable. The normal dose of Glucosamine is 500-1500 mg TID. It is very difficult to compress the tablet at the label claim 1500 mg because some additive are also required in the formulation and the average weight are 1800 mg. As per the pre formulation studies it is concluded that tablet average weight less than 70 mg are very difficult to compress and more than 1500 mg are difficult to swallow in adult patient. Glucosamine is a special formulation that prove the pharmacological value to nourish the joint health. Glucosamine stimulates the formation or manufacture of collagen, the protein portion of the fibrous substance that holds joints together and provides a shock-absorbing cushion, as a person ages, the cartilage that cushions the joints often loses its ability to support healthy cellular growth. In addition, the synovial fluid which lubricates these joints also deteriorates. This condition, called osteoarthritis, often leads to rough bones that rub together and cause distress with every twist or bend. In this condition patient regularly required the Glucosamine tablet in 1500 mg three times a day. But it’s very difficult to compress the tablet at huge weight because D tooling compression machine have maximum limit is 1500 mg. For such critical formulation weight cam is adjusted in lower direction to increase the weight and feeding of granules in feed frame through force feeder resolve the dissolution problem. This tablet is prepared by wet granulation method by using Non Aqueous binding showed good results physical evaluation parameters and chemical parameters such as Assay, and Dissolution values. The granules are lubricated using suitable lubricants / Glidant / Antiadhrants were good in their flow properties. Assay and dissolution studies were conducted by the HPLC method.

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