World Journal of Pharmaceutical
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Dr. Mahesh Thakur*, Ann Ambitia, Swapnil Saini and Rajesh Manglesh


Ama is the substance, which is not digested properly and need further digestion. Many factor play important role in the production of Ama. In Ayurvedic classic Ama which is the product of metabolic defect formed due to improperly metabolized by product of food at Jathragni level (macrolevel), Bhutagni level (microlevel) and due to accumulation of Mala, which considered as Pratham Doshdushti, condition of mental stress like Kama, Krodh, Shoka Bhaya, Chinta ,are the responsible factor for production of Ama in the body. Ama vitiates the Doshas and disturb Dhatu Samyata which lead to production of a disease. So the concept Ama is the most important and fundamental principal in understand the pathophysiology of the diseases. Nearly all diseases as per the Ayurvedic view have their origin from Ama Dosha. Even one of the synonyms of Vyadhi Amaya reiterates this. So the topic is entitled role of Ama in the Smprapti of various Diseases.

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