World Journal of Pharmaceutical
and Medical Research

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An International Peer Reviewed Journal for Pharmaceutical and Medical Research and Technology
An Official Publication of Society for Advance Healthcare Research (Reg. No. : 01/01/01/31674/16)
ISSN 2455-3301

ICV : 78.6

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Manisha Gupta* and Sunita Siddesh


At present developing era day to day practice suggested that maximum number of cases is of prolapse of uterus parts. Its prevalence is more than 50% of all the gynecological conditions. About a third of women over the age of 50 i.e. menopausal age are affected to some degree. It is a major problem for gynecologists and effect of cystocele are also life disturbing. Orelse it can negatively affect quality of life. If the anatomy of the pelvic outlet is understood, and causative factor, pathophysiology, sign-symptoms all are going to give solution and if the technic of prevention is followed, the results are fully as satisfactory as those obtained in the surgical cure. A certain number of recurrences may be expected, especially in patients with flaccid tissues and general enteroptosis. According to Ayurvedic correlation cystocele has been termed phalini because the vaginal wall prolapsed part appears like a fruit or egg. Many women develop minor degree of prolapse soon after childbirth, yet if they exercise their pelvic floor muscle and improve their general muscular tone, they can control the prolapse. Initial unrecognized injury during child birth may be considerable important aetiological factor. Hereby presenting a case of elderly women with multiple female factors with k/c/o hypothyroidism, h/o frequent micturation, feeling of mass per vagina and diagnosed as cystocele, an attempt is made to treat Phalini yoni by yoni abhyanga with phala sarpi, yoni swedana with ksheera and yoni pichu with veshawara pinda.

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