World Journal of Pharmaceutical
and Medical Research

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An International Peer Reviewed Journal for Pharmaceutical and Medical Research and Technology
An Official Publication of Society for Advance Healthcare Research (Reg. No. : 01/01/01/31674/16)
ISSN 2455-3301

ICV : 78.6

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Dr. Hemang Trivedi*, Arohi B. Parmar and Dr. Megha M. Chandarana


RasaShastra is the alchemy of Ayurveda where we find the use of metals and mineral compounds in treatment of diseases evidentially. It is the divine science which teaches to convert even Visha into edible medicine by the process of Shodhana, which improves the strength of the body or cure a disease. The Acharya with their profound knowledge of science classified the mineral compounds and the metals into different categories and sub categories. Abhraka which is classified under Maharasa by various Acharya is a substance capable of pacifying all 3 doshas of the body and could rejenuvate the body but only in its edible form and thus conversion of Abhraka to its edible form is done by the process of nirvapana (heating and dipping) and this process of conversion is considered as purification process.The media used in the process of Shodhana has very important role in either breaking down or finishing the chemical constituent that is not required. Every treatment of a drug in particular media for a particular extent has a role in the modification of the characters. Pertaining to this dissertation entitled “Analytical Study to evaluate the effect of Nirvapa in different media on Krishna Vajrabhraka” was carried out Abhraka Shodhana by Nirvap in different media, to develop standard manufacturing procedures of Abhraka Shodhana in different media and to analyse all the samples of media and Abhraka – before and after Shodhana. The pharmaceutical part contains the complete details of 4 methods of Abhraka shodhana, with observations and yield.

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