World Journal of Pharmaceutical
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Dr. Nistha Nema* and Dr. Praveen Kumar Mishra


Aushadh Sevan Kala is the type of Avasthika Kala meant for the proper time of drug administration. Trisutra Ayurved is of prime importance while treating a patient. Hetu (causative factors), linga (signs and symptoms) and aushadh (medicine) are considered as Trisutra Ayurved. According to Charaka medicines having opposite properties of desha (habitat), matra (dose) and kala (time) are able to cure the diseases easily. Charaka have stated some more factors to be taken into consideration while treating a patient such as desha (region), kala (time), pramana (dose), satmya (wholesomeness), asatmya (unwholesomeness), aahara (diet) and aushadh (medicine).[1] According to Charaka medicines with opposite properties than dosha, dushya and nidan (causative factor) gives better result when used as a treatment. Agni, being the supreme factor for maintaining Dhatu Samya all the therapies are directed to maintain and preserve the potency of Agni. Aushadh Sevan Kala will help in food ana drug interaction which is helpful to attain a quick and sustainable relief to the patient. Kala (time) is an important factor which must be taken into consideration while treatment. Our acharyas have explained the relationship of kaala and dosha while treating a disease. In present era this relationship is not taken into consideration while treating a patient.

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