World Journal of Pharmaceutical
and Medical Research

( An ISO 9001:2015 Certified International Journal )

An International Peer Reviewed Journal for Pharmaceutical and Medical Research and Technology
An Official Publication of Society for Advance Healthcare Research (Reg. No. : 01/01/01/31674/16)
ISSN 2455-3301

ICV : 78.6

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Dr. Lakshmi D. R.* and Dr. Gayathri Bhat N. V.


The reproductive process in woman is a complex and highly evolved interaction of many components. Disturbance in any component can cause problems in menstrual cycle; one being is dysmenorrhoea which affects most of the women. Dysmenorrhoea means painful enstruation. This can be compared to Udavartini Yoni Vyapat in Ayurveda with clinical feature like Rajah Kricchrata (painful menstruation). It affects approximately 50-60% of women of reproductive age. Panchakarma therapy offers a ray of hope for Udavartini Yoni Vyapat along with Shamana Aushadi’s. As Vata is responsible for the occurance of Udaavartini, various treatment modalities which are mentioned for Vata Rogas can be adopted. Among them Basti is the best treatment modality, hence for Udavartini. The aim is to focus the management of this problem in present scenario.

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