World Journal of Pharmaceutical
and Medical Research

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An International Peer Reviewed Journal for Pharmaceutical and Medical Research and Technology
An Official Publication of Society for Advance Healthcare Research (Reg. No. : 01/01/01/31674/16)
ISSN 2455-3301

ICV : 78.6

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Dr. Savitri Soni*


The worldwide percentage of non-communicable diseases is increasing and now becoming the chief cause of the death in all over the world. There are many non-communicable diseases among of them, obesity (Sthaulya) are vastly increasing in the world due to the change in the life style (Ahar, Vihar and Manasika) and working conditions. Sitting habits and lack of exercise are also the main reasons behind the higher prevalence of Obesity. Obesity lead to many diseases like Diabetes, Cardiovascular disease and Arthritis. Obesity also reduces the average life span and decreases the quality of life. Therefore, prevention of Obesity during its starting stage may overcome the risk of Diabetes, Cardiovascular, Arthritis and other serious diseases. In Ayurveda, Sthaulya (Obesity) belong to Santarpanajanya Vyadhi and fully described by acharyas. Accordingly, there are a number of drugs, medicinal preparations, Pathya - Apathya, Dinachrya and diverse techniques of Yoga and so on, which have wonderful preventive and curative effect on obesity.

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